Friends of Michigan Libraries Membershp

Welcome to the Friends of Michigan Libraries (FOML) website. Please share your comments—they are your contribution to the great American institution, the library, that reinforces the library’s mission of service to its community and its users. Select this link to share comments.

FOML 2024 Membership Drive

Membership for 2024 is closed.

Library of Michigan

Our membership drive for 2025 will open in January 2025. See you then.

FOML Talk About Friends

October 11, 2024

ALA Annual Conference

Meetings at both Novi Public Library and Clingon-Macomb Public Library. Details and registration coming soon.

Michigan Right to Read Coalition

Protecting the right to read in Michigan

Harriet Larson Founders Grant

The coalition opposes any attempts to ban books from Michigan libraries.

Read more

United for Libraries

Visit the Membership page for States friends

United for Libraries

Login information is provided for your Friends group.


Topics to local Friends groups and library advocates.


New resources will be added as they become available.

Office Hours with Clare Membiela

Third Thursday of each month, 3-4 pm

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Ask the Library of Michigan law director questions virtually.