FOML accepts only online (credit card) payments for membership.
2025 GROUP MEMBERSHIP: Click here to fill out online 2025 group membership form.
The Group Membership fee is $50 annually. This membership level provides support for FOML services from libraries and offers eligibility for FOML awards and grants.
2025 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP: Click here to fill out online 2025 individual membership form.
Your personal membership helps support and develop FOML services to Friends across the state of Michigan.
Levels of Individual membership:
- Individual Sustaining: $25
- Individual Honorary: $50
- Individual Silver: $75
- Individual Patron: $100
- Individual Lifetime: $500
All memberships are eligible for the following benefits:
- Access to information exchange about Friends groups throughout Michigan;
- Access to the FOML Manual (online publication);
- The opportunity to participate in FOML workshops (in person or virtual) at member rates;
- Opportunities to help develop the FOML website through your member contribution of library photographs and other material;
- Receive information about the FOML Board and its activities and plans;
- Eligibility for the Harriet Larson Founders Award and the annual FOML Award of Merit;
- Assistance (upon request) from a FOML Board member about questions and concerns involving Friends development and organization;
- An opportunity to become a member of the FOML Board and work toward the improvement of Friends’ services;
- Establish networking connections among Michigan Friends groups.
Members will receive an email copy of the new bulletin called Focus on Friends which is dedicated to helping you become better Friends as you work to improve library services in your community.
We plan to publish Focus on Friends frequently to provide timely information that will be helpful for Friends groups.
Along the way we want this bulletin to be an interactive format where you share ideas about your fundraising projects and other types of activities that other Friends can use at their libraries.
NOTE: The Friends of Michigan Libraries (FOML) is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization with a strong commitment to its mission as an information resource and support group for Michigan Friends.
Annual membership is based on a calendar year, January 1st through December 31st.
Are you or your Friends group interested in joining the Friends of Michigan Libraries? When you join FOML, you help strengthen its mission: Support for Michigan Libraries.