Welcome to the home of Friends of Michigan Libraries. Our goal is to help Friends groups succeed. How can we help?
Membership Drive - Join or Renew
It’s a new year and time for the FOML Membership Drive. If you’re renewing your membership or joining for the first time, your support helps us help all Friends groups in Michigan. Take advantage of all that FOML has to offer.
Have Questions? 'Consult-A-Friend'
Whether you’re a seasoned Friends group or just getting started, you’re going to have questions. Our free “Consult-A-Friend” program is designed specifically to help you find the answers you need. Visit our Service Center to learn more.
United for Libraries Resources
Visit the membership page for States Friends
Login information is provided for your Friends group.
Michigan Right to Read Coalition
Protecting the right to read in Michigan
The coalition opposes any attempts to ban books from Michigan libraries.
Grant Office Hours with Karren Reish
Third Tuesday of each month, 3-4 pm
Ask the Library of Michigan Grants Coordinator virtually.