About Us

The Friends of Michigan Libraries is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), organization dedicated to support and advocacy for Michigan library Friends groups. Founded in 1969 by several Michigan library Friends, FOML is today a mature organization, experienced and knowledgeable about today’s libraries and their needs. FOML can provide assistance with answering your concerns and questions about Friends, whether you are wondering about revitalizing your Friends group, have specific issues about the management of a Friends organization, or whatever your questions might be.

We continue to grow and develop, thanks to your membership contributions and the corporate support of the Gale Group for our ongoing activities.

Our activities promote libraries and the sharing of Friends activities throughout Michigan. Our Zoom meetings, Connect with Friends, are dedicated to bringing Friends together to share information that is helpful to all Friends. Our Newsletter, Focus on Friends, provides information on Michigan Friends services and learning opportunities.

Join us and experience the difference Friends can make in your library!

Mission Statement

October 2006 (2nd Revision)



The name of the organization shall be “Friends of Michigan Libraries” and the organization shall be known as “FOML”.

FOML Mission Statement

The Mission of the Friends of Michigan Libraries is

1. To support Friends working on behalf of Michigan libraries.

2. To serve as an information resource for Friends’ groups.

3. To be advocates for libraries at the state level.

The mission of the Friends of Michigan Libraries “is to support the activities of local Michigan libraries and to be advocates for libraries at the state level. FOML will serve as clearinghouse and information center for all Friends groups in the State of Michigan by planning meetings to exchange ideas, by supporting a newsletter to go to member groups, and by offering workshops and speakers to help advance the goals of Friends working with libraries, whether as program planners, as volunteers, as advocates of library legislation, or as a source of financial contributions and support.”