Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan
Friends of Michigan Libraries

Purpose: This FOML Strategic Plan is a three-year plan and the appropriate FOML committee will recommend new initiatives as well as suggested changes and modifications during the lifetime of this document.

FOML Mission Statement

The Mission of the Friends of Michigan Libraries is:

  1. To support Friends working on behalf of Michigan libraries;
  2. To serve as an information resource for Friends’ groups;
  3. To be advocates for libraries at the state level.

FOML Vision Statement

The Friends of Michigan Libraries is the preeminent organization to provide support, information and advocacy for Michigan library Friends to meet the demands of the 21st century.

FOML Core Values

The Core Values of the Friends of Michigan Libraries are:

  1. Collaboration and networking;
  2. Service and mentoring;
  3. Innovation and continuous learning;
  4. Advocacy:  increasing public awareness of the value and impact of libraries of all types.

FOML Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: To share information about Friends


  1. Workshops
  1. Hold one annual meeting for Friends and Trustees.
  2. Board Members participate when requested as presenters at local/regional Friends sponsored meetings.
  3. Present at least two Workshops annually.
    • Workshops for the year will be scheduled in the fall preceding the year in which they will occur.
    • A Workshop Planning Committee will be appointed each fall.
    • Workshops for the year will have a theme.
  4. Present innovative and relevant programs which address the needs and expectations of the state regional Friends groups and host community.
  5. Evaluate workshops and use the data when planning future workshops.
    • Distribute a FOML Workshop Evaluation Form to attendees at each workshop.
    • The Workshop Planning Committee will collect and prepare data from the evaluation forms and disseminate to the Board before the next scheduled Board meeting.
  1. Newsletter
    1. Publish at least two per year prior to each Workshop.
    2. Publish and present a FOML annual report to the members attending the annual FOML meeting which includes financial standing and an itemized budget.
  1. Web Site
    1. Determine the form and procedures to be used to allow members to exchange information on via the webpage –
    2. Develop a procedure for FOML electronic archives upon the recommendation of the FOML Archivist.
  1. Handouts
    1. Standardize the requirements for all FOML created handouts, with specific branding for all FOML original materials.
    2. Perform a periodic review of all handouts (specifying dates as needed).
  1. Manual
    1. Review and update triennially (Next issue 2015).
    2. Monitor the accuracy of the Manual web links on a regular basis.
  1. Directory
    1. Publish updated directory of Michigan Friends groups on a regular basis.
    2. Increase response rate and establish a procedure for increasing the response rate.
  1. Mentoring and Information on Request
    Provide FOML and Friends information to interested parties on an as-needed basis.

Goal 2: To advocate for libraries at the state level


  1. Inform Friends about significant legislation and policies affecting their libraries through the FOML Newsletter, the FOML website, and workshops.
  2. Review United for Libraries’ guidelines for advocacy and adopt similar guidelines for FOML.

Goal 3: To support and promote continuous learning


  1. Provide best practices and resources on the FOML website.
  2. Facilitate communication and information exchange among various library Friends’ groups through FOML workshops, the website, and newsletter.
  3. Determine what FOML historical materials will be archived, and in what format.

Goal 4: To identify and respond to the needs of Friends


  1. Utilize our communications resources to alert Friends groups to significant issues.
  2. Establish a process for surveying the needs of Michigan Friends groups.
  3. Encourage regional Friends groups to explore mutual cooperation (e.g., formation of an Alliance of Friends).
  4. Encourage and support training and continuing education for FOML Board members.

Goal 5: To foster FOML membership recruitment and retention, and FOML organizational development


  1. Define FOML committees (job descriptions) and their respective responsibilities and develop a plan of action for committee review.
  1. Publicity
  2. Bylaws
  3. Finance
  4. Workshop Planning
  5. Membership
  6. Newsletter
  7. Website Development Review
  8. Advocacy
  9. Strategic Plan and SOP Review
  1. Prioritize the implementation of objectives of the FOML Strategic Plan.
  2. Develop an annual FOML budget process and appoint a Finance Committee.
  3. Re-examine the FOML Bylaws triennially and present any proposed changes to the membership for a vote of approval at the annual meeting.


Revised: November 2014

Board approval: February 2015

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