Consult-A-Friend Self Service

Consult a Friend

Self Service

Self Service


Self Service

You may be able to answer your need by simply looking through the wide variety of tools and information that is available to you on our website. We also provide lists and links to outside resources that could be helpful to you.
Find the category below that comes closest to your area of need and then click on it. If your search doesn’t answer your need, try “Assisted Service” next to get help from one of our team members.

1. How to start a Friends group.

  • The litmus test: Can a group succeed?
  • Creating bylaws and standard operating procedures.

2. How to run an effective book sale.

  • Encouraging book donations.
  • Sorting and pricing books.

3. How to sell online.

  • Match your process to your resources.

4. How to establish and operate an in-library bookstore.

5. How to recruit and retain good volunteers.

6. How to increase and communicate with membership.