Useful Links

American Library Association (ALA)
American Library Association Office for Library Advocacy (ALA)
Michigan House of Representatives
Michigan Library Association (MLA)
Michigan Senate

Bookselling - Book pricing on older items - Book pricing on older items - Book pricing on older items
Book Sale Finder - Book sales in U.S. and Canada -Book pricing on items with an ISBN
Library Booksales - Website for Friends groups to sell books online. Site is currently undergoing repair.
PayPal - Payment for books you've sold at and other sites

Friends Information
United for Libraries
Friends of Libraries
Michigan Libraries - Michigan Library Consortium (Friends policies)
Memorandum of Understanding - Northville Friends and Northville District Library
Model Friends' Cooperative Network

"Grants for Nonprofits: Libraries"
Michigan Humanities Council
Free Management Library - Nonprofit fundraising
Grants Information Collection - Proposal writing internet sources
Dolly Parton Imagination Library - Program for delivering books to preschool children.
United for Libraries Friends & Foundations Fact Sheets - A variety of topics to Friends Groups and library Foundations.

Fundraising Fact Sheets

Below are helpful items in pdf form to help with fundraising.

Internal Revenue Service
501 (c) 3 Application forms and instructions
Forms and instructions
Instructions for completing a 501 (c) 3 application Libraries
Blue Avocado - Nonprofit online magazine includes "Board Café"
CompassPoint - Nonprofit leadership
Idealist - Nonprofit FAQ
Michigan Nonprofit Association
Staying Legal for Michigan Nonprofits
US Postal Service - U.S. Postal Service rates, zip codes, and mailing advice

State and National Libraries
Library of Congress
Library of Congress Center for the Book